In October of 2017, a hospital in Paramus NJ set out to revamp their network infrastructure. Bergen Regional Medical Center was poised to transfer ownership, and in the process, take on an ambitious IT Modernization Project. The project included a massive fiber optic infrastructure that would be installed throughout the campus, and Millennium Communications Group was selected to build that Fiber Optic network.
The project called for complete fiber diversity between all locations on campus. This diversity would help to ensure that in the event of a physical network failure, the network could operate at full capacity without any interruptions. Over the course of 3 months, Millennium brought fully diverse fiber optic connections to 22 data closets throughout the campus; including large centralized data center, and a redundant back-up data center. Coupled with a new networking equipment, the hospital was propelled forward from an out-of-date infrastructure to full HIPAA Compliance for their network.

The project utilized a varied mix of fiber cable sizes and types that were determined based on the location, security risk, and bandwidth goals. It was determined that the hospital should connect to the outside world with two diverse paths utilizing highly armored fiber optic cable, for an extra measure of security and reliability. Internally, the data center and back up data center would connect with diverse paths that allow for an instantaneous transfer of responsibility should one of the locations experience a failure of any kind. From those diverse paths, each data closet throughout the hospital would receive dual fiber optic paths to ensure that if one failed, the other could remain active. At the end of the three month project, New Bridge Medical Center had achieved their goal of a modern fiber optic networking infrastructure, and was ready to begin looking ahead to the next networking improvement that could be made on the campus.