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Put the American Rescue Plan to Work for You

Updated: Nov 1, 2021


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, established through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery’s 350 billion emergency funds allocation is giving school districts and municipalities the ability to procure goods and services to be used for pandemic response needs.

Some solutions include:

Broadband Infrastructure - Build a network that can deliver reliable speeds of 100 Mps download and 100 Mps upload with fiber at the core to get everyone connected.

Physical Security and Surveillance - Design a camera and access control system for permission-based admittance to buildings and campus facilities for a proactive approach to security, should an incident occur.

Network Infrastructure - A network capable of supporting modern technologies, for remote school and work functions. Providing protection from cyber security and DDOS threats and exposure.

With the use of these funds, Millennium can design and build solutions to help you continue to adapt to this new normal in a way that works best for you and your organization. As a preferred integrator, bringing over 25 years of experience, let us guide you to create an environment that you can be proud of.

Our team is ready to help you today.


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