Today’s world is highly digital and reliant on internet connections. Businesses would not run as efficiently without it and world economies would not thrive in the global market place without it. So how is it that we still believe our children will be able to learn and succeed without it? Our children are trying to prepare themselves for the world of tomorrow on speeds and connections of the past. In comparison to other developed countries we do not even rank in the top 10 for math, reading, science, or technological readiness. According to the EducationSuperHighway, 40 million students are being left behind and 63% of schools do not have the bandwidth they need. In order to catch up and give our children the education they deserve, we need to leverage technology.
Many people will argue that digitalizing learning will hurt students in the way they learn and interact. However, digital learning actual helps to personalize each students experience making it easier for them to succeed and when students are succeeding they feel more confident in other areas like socialization. It also allows for ease in communication between students, teachers, and parents. Digital learning increases the opportunity to learn as students are not bound by their books.
How do we digitalize learning? Through fiber optics. Why fiber? Fiber is the only technology with the capabilities to expand as we grow. It can be increased to meet the connectivity needs of the future beyond what we can imagine and that capacity is only improving. According to EducationSuperHighway, “…98% of schools districts will need fiber networks to meet 2018 connectivity goals.” The goal now is to get schools ahead of that curve and to make sure we do not increase the connectivity gap any more than we already have. We want to have these conversations now and give schools and towns the tools they need to be able to install and operate their own fiber optic networks. By doing so, we are empowering our students, teachers, and community.
Millennium Communications Group, Inc. is at the forefront of the fiber optic world. We have been named one of the Top 100 Fiber-To-The -Home Providers 3 years in a row by Broadband Communities Magazine, we have built over 80 private fiber networks for schools, businesses, and communities, with no plans of slowing down. What makes us extremely unique is our ability to plan, design, construct, install, and manage all aspects of your fiber network. We not only hang the fiber, but can install all the products on the end of that fiber – i.e. IT, storage, security and manage it for you.
If you are interested in learning more please contact us using the form below!
Source: “EducationSuperHighway.” Web. 09 Oct. 2015. http://www.educationsuperhighway.org/>